Natural Dynamics Of Sexual Relationship.
Men and women want to recognize their own nature with having a relation with the opposite member.woman's beauty is in being soft and delicate and men's grace is in being strong and controler in a creative way.As day is recognized by the night,both need each other to recognize their true nature.
In the realm of the relationship they want to feel the opposite side of each other not in a mechanical way but in a loving and creativeway.For example, the relation b/w boss and the sub-ordinate is of mutual interest and materialistic, the sub-ordinate himself want to be boss one day.but in a relationship of man and woman the psyche is totally different though the dynamics are the same as the boss/sub-ordinate relationship. Here woman does'nt herself want to be physically stronger and the in charge of the man instead she craves to be submissive and likes someone who has the natural qualities of her opposite.
In the same way man wants to feel the different side of the nature as of his own.By being controler and dominant partner not only does he feel the soft side of woman but recognize and discover his true Manliness in a creative way which otherwise expresses itself in the destruction of his surrounding.
In the Glorious Quran woman is supposed to be the tilth or the land of the man and man is resembled with a Former and land lord who nurture the lands he owns.In this dynamics man naturally feels the desire of nurturing and lovingly own his property and woman feels the desire of being owned.
That is the reason why it is a common among woman to fantasize about being loved and dominated by a strong caring man and serving that man submissively and respectfully.woman wants to feels the strong body of the man own her soft and vulnerable body and gives her inner self the feeling of being secured and recognized.The man who has the desire of in charge and controler wants to feel the his own nature with a being(woman) who is receptive to his power and demands him to assert his authourity over her in a caring way.
Sex is the expression in which we feel our nature to the core of our naturally desire to fullfil the incmpleteness of the woman's being who express this desire by being submissive to his authourity.This feeling of his power and authourity being desired bya submissve partner makes him love the receptive partner.because this is the only relationship in which he does't one sidedly assert authouritative nature and physical strenghth but it is being demanded by the submissive partner.
It is in the nature of humans to give pleasure.Thats why men always ask the woman during intercourse whether she enjoys it or not no matter how untrained he is to satisfy his partner.when feels the penis in her vigina she considers it her own lost part, and thats why women are always intrested in prolonging the intercourse as long as they can instead of having a room shaking orgasm just in 5 minutes.It gives pleasure to both because they feel the very core of their nature.woman feels what she has not and man feels himself to be giver and incharge of his opposite being.It solves most of their psychological conflicts and the physiological reason are obvious and you know them very well as a docter.
Sometime later,given the time and space and the intrest of the members, i will explain this dynamic in a more detailed and logical way.
i will show how this kind of dynamics and sexula relationship enhances our spirtuality and why Islam has made husband the authourity over his wife.and why women naturally find it romantic to with a real strong man and serving him submissively and obediently.And what goes wrong in the cases where relationship doesn't work.I will explain that how the paradoxes of emotions work in a woman sexuality and the psyche of the relationship.for example, feeling pain and at the same time taking pleasure in it. How women like being bossed around by her man.why she likes the commanding presence of a caring man and feel pleasure under his authourity and even enjoys the pleasure of "fear"(fear as respect of authourity) of man's dominant expression.
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